

Using Microsoft FrontPage on 0catch.com: a Tutorial

These instructions will help you use FrontPage to build and host your website on 0catch.com. We have tried to make it a simple, step-by-step guide for both our paid users and our free users. Please read the entire tutorial before emailing with questions.

PART I.  Publishing an Existing Site.
IF you have an existing FrontPage web on your hard drive that you would
like to upload, follow the steps below:
  Open Microsoft FrontPage.
  Click File->Open Web and choose the FrontPage web you want.
  Click File->Publish Web.
  FrontPage will prompt you for a publishing location.
  IF you have a paid 0catch.com account:
    The location is EITHER
      https://yourusername.0catch.com    OR
    Please DO NOT place "www." here or in your username.
    Remember to include the "https://" at the beginning.
    Please DO NOT use capital letters here.
  IF you have a free 0catch.com account:
    The location is EITHER
      ftp://yourusername.0catch.com    OR
    Please DO NOT place "www." here or in your username.
    Remember to include the "ftp://" at the beginning.
    Please DO NOT use capital letters here.
    Leave "Directory Path" blank.
  FrontPage will prompt you for a username and password.
  Your username is yourusername.0catch.com OR yourdomain.com.
  DON'T include "https://" or "www." in your username.
  Please DO NOT use capital letters in your username.
  Your password is the password you chose at signup.
  If you have ever changed your password, use the new one.
  Your password will be case sensitive. This means:
    Anything you typed as a capital will stay capital.
    Anything you typed lowercase will stay lowercase.
Now your FrontPage web should be uploaded.
If you have a free account, you will follow the above steps whenever
you make changes to your site and want to upload.  Please note that
components such as hit counters, discussion forums, and other server
extensions will not function on free accounts.
If you have a free account and do not have a site to upload, first
create the site as a FrontPage web on your hard drive.  Then publish it
over FTP using the above steps.
IMPORTANT NOTE: There are two methods of publishing, http and ftp.  http 
is only available on paid sites.  If you have a paid site, DO NOT publish 
over ftp.  Doing this will delete files that are necessary to have your 
extensions working.
PART II.  Using Microsoft FrontPage with a 0catch.com Paid Account.
If you have a paid account, you will not need to open the web on your
hard drive after the initial upload.  Instead, follow the steps below:
  Click File->Open Web.
  Front Page will prompt you for a location or folder name.
  Type https://yourusername0catch.com OR https://yourdomain.com.
  DO remember the "https://" or this will not work.
  DON'T type "www." here.
  FrontPage will prompt you for a username and password.
  Your username is yourusername.0catch.com OR yourdomain.com.
  DON'T include "https://" or "www." in your username.
  Please DO NOT use capital letters in your username.
  Your password is the password you chose at signup.
  If you have ever changed your password, use the new one.
  Your password will be case sensitive. This means:
    Anything you typed as a capital will stay capital.
    Anything you typed lowercase will stay lowercase.
If you have a paid account and no site on your hard drive, you do not
have to create a FrontPage web on your hard drive and then upload it.
You may connect immediately using the steps in Part II, and build your
site directly on our server using FrontPage.  We do suggest, however,
that you make a local periodic backup to your hard drive in case you
make a mistake and delete something you wanted to keep.
PART III.  Getting Help
If you have followed the above steps and get an error or for some
reason it won't work
  1. URL of your site hosted on 0catch.com.
  2. Your version of Windows (or other OS) and version of FrontPage.
  3. EXACTLY what you are trying to do.
  4. The specific file on your website you are having trouble with.
  5. EXACTLY what steps you have already taken.
  6. EXACTLY the error message you receive.
If you send us the above information in your first email, chances are we will be able to resolve your problem right away. If some info is missing, we may have to email you to get it before resolving the problem. Please do not email us your password; we don't need it. We look forward to serving you.


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